Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

The Indonesia Public Court in Biak to be free for Mr. Septinus Rumere on the case raised morning star flag of West Papua, The Win for OPM

BiakNews, April 23, 2010. What has claimed of the Public Attorney in Biak on the suit cases of raised morning star flag of West Papua at December 1, th 2009 as the do crime to move a part of all the Indonesian territory under of foreign side.The Court has dicisioned to be free Mr. Septinus Rumere today ( 23 April th 2010).

the decision of these Court showed that it’s decision must be thanks of Papua people because the what has done by Mr. Metuzalak Awom ( the lawyer for Mr. Septinus Rumere) can be received by Court today.

Mr. Metuzalak Awom has given title on it’s papers is Don’t kill Freedom expression Rights of Papua People is can be open thinking of judges to received the appear of Mr. Metuzalak Awom.

At December 1, th 2009 Mr. Septinus Rumere is one of the OPM activists has was raised morning star flag of West Papua in it’s villages. It’s village located in Biak East District, Biak Regency. He was raised these flag for celeberat the day of West Papua Independent whice proclaimed at December 1, th 1961.

The paper of Public Attorney presentated in court said that Mr. Septinus Rumere is one of OPM activists in Biak was raised the morning star flag of OPM in it’s villages and he was raised these flag for celeberate the day independent of OPM. On it’s case so, Public Attorney in Biak appear to court to send Mr. Septinus Rumere to jail for 2 years.

But on the paper of Metuzalak Awom ( Lawyer ) presentation it’s paper in court said that what the Public Attorney appear not true. The celeberation of December 1, for West Papua people is the day of West Papua since West Papua people declared to Independent at December 1 th 1961. And The morning star flag is the flag of West Papua not OPM. So, these lawyer appear to court to be free Mr. Septinus Rumere. What the Mr. Septinus Rumere was done is one of Freedom of Expression rights on the bad history of Indonesia goverment given to West Papua people.

The judges sides has take solution on this debate and the end it , and received the appear Mr. Metuzalak Awom ( the lawyer of Mr. Septinus Rumere) suggest. So the judges has decision to be free Mr. Septinus Rumere.

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